Friday, January 16, 2009

A time for reflection

Start of a new year…, always a wonderful time to reflect on the last year, plan for this year. A time to figure out what God has in store for you this year. I am a thinker by nature, always exploring what if’s and such,

It is also time to a re commitment to what Jesus wants from us this year. We started this year with communion, which is always a special time. I always try to read the bible through each year. The truths that come out of it and the self discipline is always good.

A lot of things going on. Dianna and I have been married for 5 years on Saturday. It has been a great 5 years and a lot of change. I think things are settling down a little bit, which is good for all of us.

Stephen finished his 1st semester of college and that went well. Keith is wrapping up his senior year, and will soon find out where he finished in his class, and he will find out if he got into Florida in February.

We are starting another Dave Ramsey Financial Peach University class. I enjoy teaching people about finances, and applying them to ours as well. The studies show that a lot of divorce is caused by financial struggles. Families are better if there is not a divorce to deal with. We have a large group this time and it wonderful to get the chance to get to know people on a more personal level. I have to thank Jimmy for actually leading this. He is very good at making things happen. I think we make a very good tag team together.

I started reading the bible this year with Genesis. It is one of my favorite books in the bible. It helps me understand this world a lot better. So many of the issues that we are having in this world were spoken about in this book of the bible. It is full of history and how things all came together.

It is also a very difficult book to understand at times. People have an issue with what they understand today, verses what the bible says. How can things happen the way God said they did. Did the earth really flood, and man kind really wiped out. What did the book mean when it said that the “daughters married giants”. Some of the things can be explained others can’t. That is where faith comes in for me. I can personally see what Christ has done in my life so the unanswered questions do not pose a problem for me. I do search for the answers and listen to what people have to say about the various subjects, but the bottom line is FAITH. – believing in something even when you can not see it.

I will be updating this on a more regular basis. I want people to learn more about the bible (and about Christ) through this blog..

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